Sunday, October 6, 2019

Week 6: EOTO Com Tech Timeline

The human race has been evolving since the dawn of its existence. The creation and evolution of technology has followed the same road map. However, there seems to be a compromise that people are starting to pick up on more. As technology advances, the human race impedes. The video shown above illustrates how our world has become so consumed with the idea of seamless (and constant) connection, that everyone has seemed to forget about the specifics of the connection part of it. Connecting on a human level means interacting with one another face-to-face. It doesn’t mean following people, it doesn’t mean liking their posts, it doesn’t mean direct-messaging them to chat behind screens. Not only is technology limiting the quality of our social interactions; it’s creating a false sense of reality. What you see of somebody online usually is not what their life is like in reality. Somebody’s profile could be the happiest and most inspiring profile in the world, yet they might be one of the most depressed and uninspired person ever. Everything on social media and the internet can all be a facade if the people posting content want it to be. The technology itself is not bad though. 

Technology can still be used to better our society and create a better world for everyone. The only ones standing in the way of that is us. People are so concerned about their online footprint that it literally takes over their lives. They care more about how many likes they got, or how many followers they have, that they fail to see what really matters in life. People like this will never lead a satisfying life. They’ll always feel inferior to someone who has more followers and more likes. It’s not that technology makes people feel like they need to be popular. It’s people. When our society can get past this obsession of social media and being “popular”, then technology will start to truly revolutionize the way we go about our lives. We’re just scratching the surface of what’s possible, and we can accomplish so much more than what we think.

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