Saturday, November 30, 2019

Week 14: EOTO, Pt. 2

For this week’s blog post, I decided to look at Group 2’s presentation on the Mediasphere (I’ll like their presentation below). I thought that the topic of whistleblowers was the most interesting. The term whistleblower generally has a negative connotation. However, while most people may view whistleblowers as snitches, I, for one, consider them modern day heroes. Whistleblowers used to be few and far between. But, with internet usage at an all time high; it’s never been easier to anonymously reveal information about an individual or an organization.

First, I’ll detail all of the bad things that whistleblowing can lead to. It’s probably better to end on a good note anyways. For starters, whistleblowing can lead to the defamation of both the company/organization that’s being exposed, and the one who’s exposing them. If a company is wrongfully accused of certain actions or business practices, then they could lose some amount of credibility forever. Not only with their business partners, but with their customers as well. The real defamation occurs with the actual whistleblower. Often times, they’re discovered and then scolded by their co-workers, demoted, or in most cases they’re fired altogether. This article from goes into detail about just how many U.S.-based whistleblowers face the implications of their actions. In the worst cases some even attempt to commit suicide. In my opinion, this is awful. Even with the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 there are still so many terrible things that can happen to the whistleblower if they’re discovered.

On a brighter note, whistleblowers are the kind of people we need in the world. Whistleblowers are the only people in the workforce who aren’t afraid to stand up against corruption. Although their actions are often ridiculed, they can be the people who bring down corrupt business powers and promote the fair accumulation of wealth and power in the world.

Presentation Link:

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